Neiman Wealth Management LLC
A Neiman, CPA, PFS
My thoughts on "The Value of Advice"
16556 Gateway Bridge Drive
Delray Beach FL 33446 View Form ADV Part II
Phone: (800) 313-2119 or (561) 921-8766 View NWM LLC Privacy Policy
or (516) 867-5545 or (206) 452-2008
Fax: (866) 823-1800
dedicated my life to educating and empowering people to pursue their dreams.
I hardly read anything in High School except for some science fiction. In college, I majored in psychology and read everything I could find on Humanistic Psychology. Carl Rogers, one of the pioneers of the Humanistic Psychology movement spoke about Lifelong Learning in several of his books. This thought, that I could learn whatever interested me, my whole life, even after formal schooling, struck a chord in me. I made the decision to become a lifelong learner.
Almost a decade after graduating, I started my CPA practice. I found myself spending more and more time educating my clients about personal finance, financial independence, and taxes. I found that many people were woefully ignorant about money and financial matters. Managing one’s financial life was not taught in any school I was aware of. I enjoyed talking to people about their hopes and dreams and how they could better their lives. This might involve identifying their life priorities, starting a business, or making important financial decisions. Additionally, it involved how to set up their accounts to save for taxes, retirement, and other goals.
I saw how poorly many people managed their money and finances and I wanted to do something to change this. In 2003, I started my investment practice, Neiman Wealth Management, LLC. My goals were to educate my clients about the history of investment markets and how the markets worked. In 2008 during the market meltdown and recession, many people were afraid of losing their hard earned money. Markets periodically had broad meltdowns every 6 to 10 years. I was afraid too. But knowing some history of past events and having faith in the future, I acknowledged my fears, stuck with my own investment program, and encouraged my clients to do the same. Finally, I increasingly have clients contemplating retirement or actually retiring. Again, there seems to be a lot of fear and limited knowledge in this area. By educating my clients and looking at various options, I hope to make this stage of life more transparent, and allow people to determine what they want to do, as opposed to being at the mercy of events.
I’m not an expert on this. I’m an educator and guide…..
I believe that it is important to have passion in your life. My passions include my wife, my children, my extended family, and our close friends. My creative passion is fine art photography.
I've been an Investment Advisor since 2003 and a CPA in public accounting since
1978. With a
background that includes psychology, science, math, and investment experience,
I bring more to my client relationships than just "investments, tax and accounting."
I take the time to educate clients on financial, business, & tax matters. I am able to see the big picture and
am a creative and innovative problem solver.
I often act as a coach to my clients. I
believe that someone's business and financial lives are best understood in
the context of a a person's values, interpersonal relationships, lifestyle, and
goals. I am able to help my clients solve their problems using tools and
processes such as time value of money analysis, budgeting, investment analysis,
business planning, tax planning, and financial planning.
I make himself readily accessible to clients via the phone, email, and fax. I take the time necessary to understand you, your business, your financial needs, and your goals. Call today for a complementary consultation.
Neiman Wealth Management LLC is a state registered investment advisor. All accounts are fee-based where clients are charged a percentage of assets under management. Robert A Neiman, President, provides a full range of wealth management services. Robert A Neiman and Neiman Wealth Management LLC act as fiduciaries. For more information or a complimentary portfolio review, please call Bob at (800) 313-2119 or (516) 680-1653 or (206) 452-2008 or (561) 821-9766.
Clients sending checks for their investment accounts should always make the check payable to "Fidelity Investments" and include the account number on the check along with a note containing instructions. Payments should be sent to Fidelity Investments P O Box 770002 Cincinnati OH 45277-0074. All emails should be sent to me at
Neiman Wealth Management LLC does not accept orders and/or instructions regarding your account by e-mail, voice mail, fax or any alternative method.
This site is published for residents of the United States only.
Information on this website is not an offer to buy or sell, or a solicitation of any offer to buy or sell the securities mentioned herein. Hyperlinks on this website are provided as a convenience and we disclaim any responsibility for information, services or products found on pages linked hereto.
Neiman Wealth Management, LLC is a registered investment adviser in the States of Florida, Washington, and California. The adviser may not transact business in states where it is not appropriately registered, excluded or exempted from registration. Individualized responses to persons that involve either the effecting of transaction in securities, or the rendering of personalized investment advice for compensation, will not be made without registration or exemption.